About custom fields
ezyVet has different types of user interface controls that it shows in the screens of records. For example, a screen can show boxes that staff use to enter text or checkboxes that they use to make settings. All ezyVet sites in all organizations have the same set of user interface controls in all screens. But if necessary, a practice manager can configure a custom field. A custom field is a user interface control that is applicable only to your organization.
- The types of work that your organization does
- The different types of clients that you have
- Driver license number
- Microchip manufacturer
- Registered name
- Grooming instructions
- Blood type
- Name pronunciation of a patient owner
- Boarding warnings
- Social media information
- Referring veterinarian
- Prescription diet
- Litter dates
- Contact records
- Patient records
- Appointments
- Makes a custom field that has the name Driver license number
- Configures the custom field to use text and numbers for its data input type
- Configures the custom field to show in contact records
As a result, contact records show a Driver license number box that staff can use to record a license number.