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Use patient sex to automatically change the color of the patient record sidebar (system setting method)

ezyVet can use the sex of a patient to automatically change the color of the patient record sidebar. A practice manager can configure ezyVet to use patient sex to automatically set the color for all patients.

To do the configuration, do this procedure.
Figure 1. Automatic sidebar colors for a given sex

Automatic sidebar colors for a given sex
Note: Each staff member can use their user account settings to make the same change. If a staff member makes the change in their user account, the change overrides this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Settings.
    The Settings setting in the settings list
  3. Select System.
    The System setting
    ezyVet shows a System Settings screen.
  4. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
  5. Set Patient sex changes sidebar color to Yes.
    The Patient sex changes sidebar color setting
  6. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet automatically changes the color of patient record sidebars.
If ezyVet does not automatically change sidebar color:
  • Clear your web browser cache
  • Sign out of ezyVet then sign in again