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Configure information about why it is necessary to cancel an appointment

When staff cancel an appointment, they can give information about why it is necessary to cancel it. The information that they can give is available in the Reason To Cancel dialog box that shows when they cancel the appointment. If necessary, a practice manager can configure the information that staff use the Reason To Cancel box to select.

To configure the information, do this procedure.
  1. Select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard tab
  2. Select Calendar.
    The Calendar tab
    ezyVet shows the calendar.
  3. Find a calendar appointment.
  4. Open a shortcut menu for the appointment, then select Cancel/Delete.
    The Cancel/Delete command
    ezyVet shows a Reason To Disable/Cancel dialog box.
    Trouble: If ezyVet does not show the Reason To Disable/Cancel dialog box, try a different appointment.
  5. Double-click the Reason To Cancel box.
    The Reason To Cancel box
    ezyVet opens a record tab and shows it behind the Reason To Disable/Cancel dialog box.
  6. In the Reason To Disable/Cancel dialog box, select Cancel.
    The Cancel button
  7. In the Reason box, enter short text about why it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
    The Reason box
  8. Select Save & Close.
    The Save & Close button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet has the information. Staff can select the information when they cancel an appointment:
The available information in the 'Reason To Cancel box