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Configure automatic clinical record relations for new appointments

When you make an appointment, ezyVet could show a Found Recent Consult pop-up window. Use the Found Recent Consult pop-up window to easily make a relation between the new appointment and a clinical record that ezyVet has for the same patient. As a result, more than one new appointment can use one clinical record. A practice manager configures ezyVet with the information that it uses to make a decision about when to show the pop-up window.

To configure automatic relations, do this procedure.
Figure 1. The Found Recent Consult pop-up window

The Found Recent Consult pop-up window
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Settings.
    The Settings setting in the settings list
  3. Select System.
    The System setting
    ezyVet shows a System Settings screen.
  4. Select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard tab
  5. In the Timeframe for recent appointment popup box, enter the applicable hours value.
    If you enter 12, ezyVet shows the Found Recent Consult pop-up window when these conditions agree:
    1. You make an appointment that is in a 12-hour period of a different appointment
    2. The different appointment has the same patient as the new appointment
    Note: If you enter 0, ezyVet does not show the pop-up window.
  6. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet uses the information to know when to show the Found Recent Consult pop-up window.