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Diagnostic test ranges

A practice manager can configure a diagnostic test range for a site diagnostic test. The diagnostic test range gives the minimum value and maximum value of a parameter of the test.

Note: Only site diagnostic tests can have a configured diagnostic test range.
If a diagnostic test has a configured diagnostic test range, ezyVet shows the record of a related diagnostic result with one of three different colors. Each color tells you if the diagnostic result has a value that is:
  • In the diagnostic test range
  • Less than the minimum value of the diagnostic test range
  • More than the maximum value of the diagnostic test range
If a diagnostic result has a value that is in the diagnostic test range, the diagnostic result shows with a grey color:
A diagnostic test result
If a diagnostic result has a value that is less than the minimum value of the diagnostic test range, the diagnostic result shows with a blue color:
A diagnostic test result
If the diagnostic result has a value that is more than the maximum value of the diagnostic test range, the diagnostic result shows with a red color:
A diagnostic test result