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Add a result for an in-house blood test to a clinical record

If necessary, you can manually add a result for an in-house blood test to a clinical record.

Make sure that the data of the test result is prepared.
To manually add the result, do this procedure.
  1. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
  2. Find and select the applicable clinical record.
  3. Select Diagnostics and Treatments.
    The Diagnostics and Treatments button
    Trouble: If ezyVet does not show the Diagnostics and Treatments button, select View By Group:
    The View By Group button
  4. Adjacent to Diagnostic Result, select the plus button.
    The plus button that is adjacent to Diagnostic Result
    ezyVet shows a New Diagnostic Result dialog box.
  5. Adjacent to Date, select the green plus button.
    The green plus button
    ezyVet shows a set of boxes for test result data:
    A set of boxes for test result data:
  6. Enter the data of the blood test result in the boxes.
    • Enter units of measurement in the Unit box
    • Enter the range values in the Low box and High box
    • Enter the parameter name in the Name box
  7. Select Add.
    The Add button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

The clinical record has the test result.