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Picklists and product invoicing

A practice manager can configure a picklist to do automatic product invoicing. A picklist with an invoicing configuration has the product code of the applicable product in its source text. When you use the picklist in a clinical template, ezyVet can automatically add the product to the billing triggers of the applicable record.

Tip: Automatic invoicing with picklists is a good method to use for:
  • Weight ranges of patient desexings
  • Dental grades of one procedure
A product code in a picklist has the format $$product-code$$. You replace product-code with the product code of the applicable product. For example, your ezyVet site could have a Leptoguard vaccine product with the product code LEPTO01. To use the vaccine in a picklist, enter $$LEPTO01$$.
Figure 1. Relation between a picklist product and a billing trigger

Relation between a picklist product and a billing trigger

A product code in a picklist can give the quantity of the product to add to the billing trigger. To configure quantities for a product code, a practice manager enters * in the picklist source text, then the applicable number. For example, a practice manager can enter $$LEPTO01*3$$ in the source text of a picklist. As a result, ezyVet adds three items of the Leptoguard vaccine to an applicable billing trigger when staff select the picklist.