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Columns of the Invoice Revenue By Group report

The Invoice Revenue By Group report shows many different columns in its output. It is important to know which types of information each column has.

The table that follows gives the name of each column and the information that it shows.

Note: The first column always shows the Group By value that you select in the report settings. And if you select a Sub Group By value in the report settings, the second column shows the value.
Note: If you set the Include GST setting of the report to ON, ezyVet shows (Inc. TAX) in the applicable column names. If you set the Include GST setting of the report to OFF, ezyVet shows (Exc. TAX) in the applicable column names.
Column nameInformation shown
Quantity SoldShows the total number invoiced for a product.

ezyVet uses the Qty value of each invoice line item to calculate the data.

Total CostShows the total of the cost price for an invoiced product.

To calculate the Total Cost data, ezyVet uses the Pricing (Per Unit) Cost value that a practice manager set for a product. If the Pricing (Per Unit) Cost value of a product changes, ezyVet calculates the historic reports again to show the new cost price of products.

MarkupThis column shows the markup as a dollar value.

To calculate the markup, ezyVet subtracts the total cost price of the invoiced product from the total sell price of the invoiced product.

The column only shows data of products that have the Has Direct Cost (Has Markup) setting set to Yes. The Has Direct Cost (Has Markup) setting is in the configuration settings for the product.
Markup %This column shows the markup as a percent value.

To calculate the markup, ezyVet subtracts the total cost price of the invoiced product from the total sell price of the invoiced product.

The column only shows data of products that have the Has Direct Cost (Has Markup) setting set to Yes. The Has Direct Cost (Has Markup) setting is in the configuration settings for the product.
DiscountShows the total dollar quantity discounted for an invoiced product.

ezyVet uses the Disc.($) value of each invoice line item to calculate the data.

Total Revenue w/ MarkupShows the total value of an invoiced product that has a markup set.
Total Revenue w/Markup only shows values for products that have a markup set. If a product does not have a markup set, Total Revenue w/Markup shows $0.00. For example:
  • If a practice manager set a 50 percent markup for a product, the Total Revenue w/Markup column and Total Revenue column show the same value.
  • If a practice manager did not set a markup for a product:
    • The Total Revenue w/Markup column shows $0.00
    • The Total Revenue column shows the total invoiced for the product
Total RevenueShows the total invoiced for a product. The total includes service fees.

ezyVet uses the Total($) value of each invoice line item to calculate the data.

To include tax information in the data, set the Include GST setting of the report to ON.

Average Unit PriceShows the average price of an invoiced product. The average price does not include service fees.
To calculate the data:
  1. ezyVet subtracts the Dispense($) value of an applicable invoice line item from the Total($) value of the invoice line item
  2. ezyVet divides the result by the Qty value of the line item

To include tax information in the data, set the Include GST setting of the report to ON.

Total EarnedShows the total revenue value that is available to calculate staff commission for a product.
Note: ezyVet only shows the Total Earned column if you set Include Earned/Commission to ON in the report settings.
Note: Use only the Total Earned value to calculate staff commission. Do not use the Total Revenue value.

ezyVet uses the Earned($) value of each invoice line item to calculate the data.

To include tax information in the data, set the Include GST setting of the report to ON.

The Total Earned value is the same as the Total($) value of an invoice line item unless the invoiced product has one of two possible conditions. The conditions are as follows.
Condition 1: The invoiced product is related to a client's wellness plan. In this condition, the Earned($) value of the applicable invoice line item uses the Earned Value Estimate values in the configuration of the wellness plan.
Condition 2: The invoiced product has the Excluded From Staff Sales Figures setting in its configuration set to Yes. In this condition, the Earned($) value of the applicable invoice line shows $0.00.
Price CommissionShows the dollar value of the staff commission for an invoiced product. ezyVet uses the Earned($) value of each invoice line item to calculate the data. The data does not include service fees.
Note: ezyVet only shows the Price Commission column if you set Include Earned/Commission to ON in the report settings.