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Automatic status changes of communication records

ezyVet can automatically change the status of a communication record that has Pending status to a different status. ezyVet can automatically make the change when a staff member opens the communication record.

For example, if a staff member opens a communication record that has the Pending status, ezyVet can automatically change the status to Sending or Done. The automatic change:
  • Helps you to monitor the status of all client communication records
  • Helps make sure that your clients receive the correct messages
The system setting that controls the automatic change is Pending Communication Default. Practice managers can get access to the setting.
Figure 1. The Pending Communication Default setting

The Pending Communication Default setting
This table gives each option of the Pending Communication Default setting and its function:
PendingIf a communication record has a Pending status, do not change the status.
Sending/Done If a communication record has a Pending status, always change the status to Sending or Done.
Timed DefaultIf a communication record has a Pending status, only change the status if the communication is due in 24 hours.
Use System DefaultUse the Pending Communication Default option that a practice manager selected in the site.
Note: ezyVet only shows the Use System Default option when you configure the Pending Communication Default setting for a user account. ezyVet does not show option when you configure the setting for a site.
You can use the Pending Communication Default setting with:
  • An ezyVet site
  • An ezyVet user account

If you use the Pending Communication Default setting with an ezyVet site and a user account, ezyVet uses the setting of the user account. The user account setting overrides the site setting.

Note: The Pending Communication Default setting:
  • Operates only with communication records that have the Pending status
  • Changes the status only when you open the communication record to change its information