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Configure a user account to automatically change communication record statuses

ezyVet can automatically change the status of a communication record that has Pending status to a different status. ezyVet can automatically make the change when a staff member opens the communication record. A practice manager can do the configuration for an ezyVet user account.

To configure a user account, do this procedure.
Note: You can also select a Pending Communication Default setting for an ezyVet site. If you use the Pending Communication Default setting with an ezyVet site and a user account, ezyVet uses the setting of the user account. The user account setting overrides the site setting.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Users/Resources.
    The Users/Resources setting in the settings list
  3. Select the applicable user account.
  4. Select Advanced Settings.
    The Advanced Settings tab
  5. Go to the Misc section.
  6. Select the applicable Pending Communication Default setting.
    The Pending Communication Default settings
  7. Select Save.
    The Save button
  1. If a communication record has a Pending status, ezyVet senses the possible new status when you open the record
  2. If applicable, ezyVet changes the status of the record