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Configure a boarding resource

After a practice manager configures a boarding resource, staff can use the related boarding calendar to make bookings.

Make sure that IDEXX customer support configured the Boarding module for your ezyVet site.
To configure a boarding resource, do this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Boarding.
    The Boarding setting in the settings list
    ezyVet shows a New Shelter Resource screen:
    The New Shelter Resource screen
  3. In the Name box, enter a name for the boarding resource.
  4. In the Description box, enter general information about the boarding resource.
  5. If applicable, use the Group box to select a boarding resource group.
  6. If applicable, use the Species box to select a dedicated species.
    Note: If you select a species, only the species that you select can use the boarding resource.
  7. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows the Billing section and the Boarding Availability section:
    The Billing section and Boarding Availability section
  8. In the Boarding Availability section, select Add Place In Resource for each applicable physical area of the boarding resource.
    The Add Place In Resource button
    Note: An applicable physical area could be a cage or kennel.
    Tip: To remove a physical area from the boarding resource, select the red cross that is in the applicable Options column:
    The red cross that removes a place from the boarding resource
  9. In the Billing Triggers box of the Billing section, select the applicable billing trigger.
    The Billing Triggers box
    Tip: To add or remove billing triggers, select the green plus button or red cross button:
    The green plus button and red cross button
  10. Enter the quantity of the billing trigger.
    The quantity box of the billing trigger
  11. Select the interval of the billing trigger.
    The interval of the billing trigger
    Note: This table gives the available settings for the interval:
    One OffIf you select One Off, the billing trigger does not use an interval. ezyVet uses the billing trigger only at the initial time of the booking.
    12 hoursIf you select 12 hours, the billing trigger uses an interval of 12 hours.
    24 hoursIf you select 24 hours, the billing trigger uses an interval of 24 hours.
  12. Select Save.
    The Save button
Staff can use the new boarding resource for patient bookings.
Tip: If necessary, open the Boarding dashboard and make sure that the booking resource shows correctly.