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Steps to start and complete boarding

ezyVet's boarding system has many functions (for example, boarding statuses and dedicated billing triggers). It is important to know which features to use from the start of a patient boarding to the completed boarding.

The table that follows gives:
  • Each step that you would usually use to start and complete boarding for a patient
  • The related tasks for each step
1You speak to a client who wants to make a boarding booking. After you use the boarding calendar to make the booking, ezyVet sets the booking status to Booked. You can print a boarding consent form for the client directly from the boarding calendar.

When you know that the client will continue the with booking, manually change the booking status to Confirmed. You can use ezyVet to print a label for the boarding booking (for example, a boarding cage label).

2Before the patient is at your boarding facility, you can do a check of their vaccinations. After the check, you can set the boarding status to Vaccinations Checked.
3When the patient is at your boarding facility, change the boarding status to Arrived. After you change the status to Arrived, ezyVet starts a billing trigger that makes sure that an invoices automatically includes the boarding costs.
Note: A practice manager configures the billing trigger for the boarding bookings.
4When the patient boarding and other applicable clinical work is completed, set the boarding status to Billed. As a result, ezyVet automatically adds the boarding costs to the applicable invoice. The invoice is unapproved and you can make changes to it before approval.
5After you approve the invoice and the client got the patient from your boarding facility, set the boarding status to Departed.