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Add physical exam information to a clinical record

If you did a physical exam, you can add information about it to the patient's clinical record. ezyVet Go syncs the physical exam information to the patient's clinical record in ezyVet.

Make sure that the patient has a scheduled appointment.
To add physical exam information, do this procedure.
  1. Open the calendar.
    ezyVet Go shows the calendar appointments.
  2. Select the applicable appointment.
    ezyVet Go shows the Overview screen.
  3. Select Continue Appointment.
    The Continue Appointment button
    ezyVet Go shows the Workspace screen.
  4. Select Exam.
    The Exam button
    ezyVet Go shows the Exam screen.
  5. Select Physical Exam.
    The Physical Exam command
    ezyVet Go shows the Physical Exam screen.
  6. In the Enter Comments box, enter general information about the physical exam.
    The Enter Comments box
  7. Select Body System.
    The Body System button
    ezyVet Go shows the Physical Exam screen.
  8. Select the applicable record.
    A record
  9. Select Save Physical Exam.
    The Save Physical Exam button
ezyVet Go syncs the information to the physical exam record of the patient's clinical record.