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Print many labels for a product invoice

ezyVet can print many labels for a product invoice. As a result, it is not necessary to print each label individually.

To print the labels, do this procedure.
  1. In ezyVet, make an invoice and save it.
    Tip: For information about how to make an invoice, refer to Make an invoice.
    ezyVet shows the Print Labels button:
    The Print Labels button.
  2. Select Print Labels.
    ezyVet shows the Select Products to Print Labels For dialog box. The box has the products in the invoice. The Label Quantity box shows the number of product labels that ezyVet has automatically calculated.
    The Select Products to Print Labels For dialog box.
    Note: If necessary, you can change the number of labels to print. Enter the number in the Label Quantity box.
    The Label Quantity box.
  3. Select Print Labels.
    The Print Labels button
ezyVet shows the labels in a new browser window. You can print or download them.