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ezyVet shows a you tried to add lines with a different supplier error when you save a received invoice

Do this troubleshooting if ezyVet shows you have tried to add lines with a different supplier than what is set on the Receive invoice when you try to save or approve a received invoice:
A you have tried to add lines with a different supplier than what is set on the Receive invoice error

The initial product supplier record that a person used to make the purchase order changed

The error can show:
  • If a person disabled the initial product supplier record
  • If a person changed the initial product supplier record

Set the correct product supplier in the product supplier record of the initial purchase order

A practice manager or a person with the necessary administrator permissions must do these steps.

  1. In the applicable line item of the received invoice, double-click the box of the Item column.
    A box of the Item column
    Note: To find the applicable line item, you must do a check of all line items of the received invoice.
    ezyVet shows the settings of the product in a new record tab.
  2. Select Ordering.
    The Ordering tab
  3. In the Suppliers section, select the record of the applicable product supplier.
    The record of the applicable product supplier
    Important: The applicable product supplier record is the same record of the initial purchase order at the time that a staff member made the purchase order. To correct the problem, you must select the same product supplier record of the initial purchase order. You cannot select a different product supplier record that has the correct product supplier.

    To try to find the applicable product supplier record, open each product supplier record and read its change log. The change log shows if the product supplier changed compared to the product supplier of the initial purchase order.

    ezyVet shows a dialog box with the supplier information of the product.
  4. In the Supplier box, select the correct product supplier.
    The Supplier box
  5. Select Update.
    The Update button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message
  6. Try to approve or save the received invoice again.