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Buttons to disable or enable records

When you open an ezyVet record, ezyVet usually shows a Disable button on the screen. Select the button to disable the record.

Figure 1. The Disable button

The Disable button
ezyVet usually shows disabled records in the I/A tab of the left sidebar.
Figure 2. The I/A tab of financial records

The I/A tab of financial records
To enable a disabled record, select Restore:
The Restore button
Note: ezyVet usually shows the Disable and Restore buttons for:

Alternative buttons to disable or enable records

ezyVet has alternative buttons to disable and restore records. The buttons usually show in the sections and tables of records. Disable record button shows a record that is in a table of a patient record. The arrow points to a red cross button that you can use to disable the record.
Figure 3. Disable record button

The button to disable a record
To enable the record, select the circular arrow button that shows in the same location:
The button to enable a record