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General settings of an ezyVet user account

When a practice manager makes or configures a user account, ezyVet shows general settings for the account. It is important to know the function of the settings.

Figure 1. General settings of an ezyVet user account

Primary settings of an ezyVet user account
This table gives each setting of the User Details section and its function:
NameThe name that identifies the user account.
InitialsThe name abbreviation that identifies the user account.
Sending Email AddressThe applicable email address that identifies your organization.
Login Name (Your Email Address)The username that the person enters to sign in to ezyVet.
System PasswordThe password that the person enters to sign in to ezyVet.
Mobile NumberThe phone number of the person who has the user account.
Registration NumberThe registration number of the person who has the user account.
QualificationsThe professional qualifications of the person who has the user account.
GenderThe sex of the person who has the user account.
This table gives each setting of the User Settings section and its function:
SalespersonIf the person does invoicing, select Salesperson.
VetIf the person is a veterinarian, select Vet.
Require New Password On Next LoginUse Require New Password On Next Login if it is necessary to reset the password of a person’s user account.
Head Office UserHead Office User is special setting that only IDEXX customer support can select.