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ezyVet SSO configuration: Information for IT teams

It is important for IT teams to know how to configure ezyVet single sign-on for their organization's ezyVet sites.

Compatible identity providers

ezyVet SSO uses SAML 2.0. The compatible identity providers that you can use for ezyVet SSO are:
  • Microsoft Entra ID
  • Google Workspace

Mandatory configuration information for an identity provider

For correct operation of ezyVet SSO, IT teams must:
  1. Use the configuration screens of the applicable identity provider to make a SAML app
  2. Enter a set of mandatory information in the SAML app configuration
This table gives each type of mandatory information for a SAML app and the value to enter:
Mandatory informationValue
Identifier or entity IDTo get the value, speak to IDEXX customer support.
Reply URLTo get the value, speak to IDEXX customer support.
SAML claim type, primary emailhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress
SAML claim type, first namehttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname
SAML claim type, last namehttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname
SAML claim type, groupshttp://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role

Metadata URL and metadata XML file

When a practice manager configures ezyVet SSO, they must enter a metadata URL in the applicable configuration screen in ezyVet. The metadata URL to enter is from the configuration screens of the SAML app that you made in the applicable identity provider. As an alternative to a metadata URL, a practice manager can upload a metadata XML file to ezyVet. To get the file that they upload, download it from the configuration screens of the SAML app that you made.

This example image shows where to get the metadata URL or metadata XML file from the configuration screens of Microsoft Entra ID:
The configuration screens of Microsoft Entra ID