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Configure single-sign on (SSO) for an ezyVet site

Before staff can use single sign-on for sign-in to ezyVet, a practice manager must do the necessary configuration.

  • Make sure that IDEXX customer support enabled the SSO module for your ezyVet site
  • Make sure that you know which identity provider to use
  • Make sure that you know which domains to use
  • Make sure that you know which metadata document URL to use
    • As an alternative make sure that you have an applicable metadata XML file for upload
Note: If you need help with information about identity providers, domains, and metadata URLs or files, speak to your IT team.
To do the configuration, do this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Settings.
    The Settings setting in the settings list
  3. Select Single Sign-On (SSO).
    The Single Sign-On (SSO setting
    ezyVet shows a New SAML Provider screen.
    Trouble: if ezyVet does not show Single Sign-On (SSO), speak to IDEXX customer support.
  4. In the Provider Type box, select New Provider.
    The Provider Type setting
  5. In the Provider Name box, enter an applicable name.
    Note: Enter a name that makes it easy for you and other staff to know the identity provider.
  6. In the Metadata Document URL box, enter an applicable URL.
    Note: As an alternative, select Choose File in the Metadata Document XML box and select an applicable XML file.
  7. In the Domain(s) box, enter each applicable domain.
    The Domain(s) box
  8. In the the Description box, enter applicable information about the configuration.
  9. Make sure that you set all settings in the Options section to OFF.
  10. Select Save.
    The Save button
  11. Select REFRESH STATUS.
    The Status section shows Installed.
ezyVet SSO is configured for the site.