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Search weighting of search results

Search weighting refers to the inputs that ezyVet uses to calculate the sequence that it shows search results in its left sidebar and user interface boxes.

A practice manager can configure a different search weighting for an ezyVet site. As a result, search results can show records that are more applicable to the work that an organization does. For example, the practice manager can configure search weighting to show product groups before product names in search results. Or they can configure search weighting to show last names of contact records before first names in search results.

Note: ezyVet's search weighting settings include settings for names (for example, patient names and client names). The search weighting values that a practice manager enters do not cause search results to show with an alphabetical sequence. The values only control how applicable the search results are.
Note: The search weighting settings are not applicable to the global search tool. The global search tool has automatic search weighting that you cannot adjust.