
Browse documentation

ezyVet Knowledge Center

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Configure search weighting

A practice manager can configure the search weighting of a site.

To configure the search weighting, do this procedure.
Note: The search weighting settings are not applicable to the global search tool. The global search tool has automatic search weighting that you cannot adjust.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. Select System.
    The System setting
    ezyVet shows a System Settings screen.
  3. Select Search.
    The Search tab
  4. Use the boxes of each record type to enter the value of the search weighting for the record type.
    The boxes of each record type
    Note: You can only enter whole numbers that are between one and 100.
    Note: To set the boxes to their initial values, select RESET DEFAULTS.
  5. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet has the configured search weighting.