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The Settings screen

Use the settings in the Settings screen to change how ezyVet Scan operates.

Figure 1. The Settings screen

The Settings screen
This table shows the functions of the settings in the Settings screen:
Sound when ScannedezyVet Scan makes a sound when it completes a barcode scan. You can change the sound that it makes. You can select:
  • Beep
  • Double Beep
  • Coin
  • Meow
  • Moo
  • Bark
  • Neigh

If you do not want ezyVet Scan to make a sound when it completes a scan, select Off.

Vibrate on scanIf you enable Vibrate on scan, ezyVet Scan makes a vibration when it completes a barcode scan.

If you disable Vibrate on scan, ezyVet Scan does not make a vibration when it completes a barcode scan.

Interval between scanYou can change the interval that ezyVet Scan waits between each barcode scan. You can select:
  • 500 ms
  • 750 ms
  • One second
  • 1.5 seconds
  • Two seconds