Diagnostics ezyVet has many features, tools, and integrations for diagnostics. Monitor diagnostics informationDiagnostic test integrationsDiagnostic imaging integrationsChange a diagnostic result to the Completed statusChange many diagnostic results to the Completed status (Diagnostics dashboard tab method)Correct an unallocated diagnostic test resultAdd a result for an in-house blood test to a clinical recordGeneral configuration of diagnostic testsParent topic: Veterinary careRelated informationAdjust information shown in clinical record screensClinical record documentsClinical record imagesClinical record text and tablesFind and show clinical informationSend clinical information to clients, organizations, and other personsMonitor changes to clinical informationStandard of careMaster problemsMedicationsClinical proceduresClient callbacksVeterinary referralsClinical record maintenanceVeterinary care tasksTroubleshooting for veterinary care tasksStudent verification system