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Add a barcode to a product

ERROR - unresolved reference (ezyvet-scan-data-sync-between-ezyvet-and-ezyvet-scan-1)

Make sure that your ezyVet user account has the Administration > Product > Add New Products permission.
To add a barcode, do this procedure.
  1. Select the menu button.
    The menu button
    ezyVet Scan shows the ezyVet Scan pane.
  2. Select Scan a Barcode.
    The Inventory Count button
    ezyVet Scan shows a Scan a Barcode screen. The screen has a view from your device camera:
    The Scan a Barcode screen
  3. Point your device camera at a product barcode.
    ezyVet Scan:
    1. Scans the product
    2. Shows a Barcode Information screen with the barcode information that ezyVet Scan found
    Note: If a product record in ezyVet has the same barcode, ezyVet Scan shows the product.
  4. Select Add to product.
    The Add to product button
    ezyVet Scan shows a Product search screen.
  5. Find and select the applicable product.
ezyVet Scan:
  1. Shows a confirmation message
  2. Syncs the barcode to the configuration of the applicable ezyVet product record