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Add a barcode to a product (Products screen method)

If a product record in ezyVet does not have a barcode configured, you can use ezyVet Scan to scan a physical product that has the correct barcode. As a result, ezyVet Scan syncs the barcode to an applicable product record in ezyVet. The Products screen method is one of two ezyVet Scan methods that you can use to add barcodes to products.

Make sure that your ezyVet user account has the Administration > Product > Add New Products permission.
To add a barcode, do this procedure.
  1. Select the menu button.
    The menu button
    ezyVet Scan shows the ezyVet Scan pane.
  2. Select Products.
    The Inventory Count button
    ezyVet Scan shows a Products screen. The screen shows product records that are synced from ezyVet.
  3. Find and select the applicable product.
    ezyVet Scan shows a Product Details screen:
    The Product Details screen
  4. Select Add a Barcode.
    The Add a Barcode button
    ezyVet Scan shows a Scan a Barcode screen. The screen has a view from your device camera.
  5. Point your device camera at a product barcode.
    ezyVet Scan:
    1. Scans the product
    2. Shows a Barcode Information screen with the barcode information that ezyVet Scan found
    Note: If a product record in ezyVet has the same barcode, ezyVet Scan shows the product.
  6. Select Add to product.
    The Add to product button
    ezyVet Scan shows a Barcode added successfully message.
ezyVet Scan syncs the barcode to the configuration of the applicable ezyVet product record.