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Add an anesthesia sheet

If a patient must have a different surgery, you can make one more anesthesia sheet. Use the anesthesia sheet to monitor the patient’s vitals and add treatments that are related to the surgery.

To add an anesthesia sheet, do this procedure.
  1. Go to the patient whiteboard.
  2. Select the applicable patient card.
    Vet Radar shows the patient sheets.
  3. Select the patient sheet control.
    The patient sheet control
    Vet Radar shows the patient sheet pane.
  4. In the Treatment Sheet section, select + Create Sheet.
    The + Create Sheet button
    Vet Radar shows the Create Sheet screen.
  5. In the Sheet type box, select Anesthesia.
    The Sheet type box
  6. In the Sheet name box, enter a name for the anesthesia sheet.
    The Sheet name box
    Note: The name of the sheet must be different to the anesthesia sheet used before.
  7. In the Attending doctor (billing) box, select the applicable veterinarian.
    The Attending doctor (billing) box
  8. If necessary, you can select a treatment template in the Template box.
  9. Make the remaining settings as necessary.
  10. Select Create Sheet.
    The Create Sheet button
The patient has one more anesthesia sheet.