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Properties for controlled drug products

Organizations in the United States must give a controlled drug report to the applicable state regulatory body. For each controlled drug, the report must have the product identifier of the drug and the schedule of the drug.

ezyVet has dedicated product properties for controlled drugs. The properties help you make a report that agrees with the requirements of your state regulatory body.
Figure 1. Controlled drug properties of a product

Controlled drug properties of a product
ezyVet’s Controlled Drug report uses the properties. The properties shows as columns in the report.
Figure 2. The controlled drug properties in the Controlled Drug report

The controlled drug properties in the Controlled Drug report
Note: The supplier of a controlled drug can give your organization the product identifier and schedule of the drug. The United States Food and Drug Administration sets the index and schedule of all controlled drugs in the United States.
Note: In the United States, a controlled drug uses the National Drug Code (NDC) for the product identifier. The NDC is an 11-digit number.