Make a purchase orderAfter you make a purchase order, you can send it to the applicable product supplier.Make sure that your user account has the necessary permissions.To make a purchase order, do this procedure.Note: This procedure gives only the minimum information that is necessary to make a purchase order.Select Financial.ezyVet shows the New Invoice screen.Select Purchase Orders.ezyVet shows the New Purchase Order screen.In the Supplier box, select the contact records of the applicable supplier.In the Item column, select the applicable products.In the Outer column, select the applicable outer value.In the Qty column, select the applicable item quantity.If necessary, add one more line item and do steps 4 thru 6 again. Tip: To add one more line item, select the green plus button: Select Approve.ezyVet shows a confirmation message:ezyVet has an approved purchase order.Parent topic: Purchase ordersRelated conceptsPurchase order statusesRelated tasksSet the number of line items for new purchase orderRelated informationPurchase order configurationPurchase order troubleshooting