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The Dispense cabinet dashboard tab shows the The clinical record relating to this note is either disabled or merged into another record error message

If the Dispense cabinet dashboard tab shows the ezyVet could not change an invoice line item from this CUBEX event. The clinical record relating to this note is either disabled or merged into another record, you cannot save this record! error message, do this troubleshooting.

A staff member merged or disabled the applicable clinical record

Enable the applicable clinical record

Note: Make sure that your user account has the Clinical > Clinical Record > Clinical Record > Disable/Restore permission.
  1. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
  2. In the left sidebar, select I/A.
    ezyVet shows the disabled clinical records of your site.
  3. In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable clinical record.
    ezyVet shows settings and information of the clinical record.
  4. Select Restore.
    The Restore button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation pop-up window.
  5. Select Restore.
    The Restore button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message