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Approval roles of Vet Radar user accounts

Vet Radar has a set of approval roles. An approval role controls if a staff member can give approval for changes or if they must get approval after they make a change A practice manager can set the approval role of a staff member’s user account.

There are three approval roles. This table shows information about the different approval roles:
Approval role Example of a staff member that has the approval role Function of the approval role
Needs approval Student A staff member with the Needs approval approval role must get approval if they:
  • Add a treatment to a patient sheet
  • Change treatment information (for example, if they change the name of a treatment
  • Make a treatment task
  • Change the scheduled start time of a treatment task
  • Remove a treatment task
It is not necessary for a staff member with the Needs approval approval role to get approval if they:
  • Complete a treatment task
  • Start a treatment task
  • Ignore a treatment task
  • Add a treatment template to a patient sheet
Can approve Veterinarian A staff member with the Can approve approval role can give approval for treatment tasks that a staff member with the Needs approval approval role changed.
Not applicable Veterinary nurse A staff member with the Not applicable approval role can change a patient's treatments. It is not necessary to give approval for changes that a staff member with the Not applicable approval role makes.
Note: Vet Radar automatically sets the approval role of each staff member to the Not applicable role.
A staff member with the Needs approval approval can add a treatment template to a patient sheet without approval. But if you want a staff member to give approval for a treatment of the treatment template, you must enable the Force ‘Finish setup’ setting of the applicable treatment. If you enable the Force ‘Finish setup’ setting, Vet Radar shows:
  • Finish setup
  • A yellow color that identifies that a staff member must configure the treatment
Figure 1. The Finish setup button and the yellow color of a treatment

The Finish setup button and the yellow color of a treatment
After a staff member with the Needs approval approval role configures the treatment, Vet Radar shows a purple color. The purple color identifies that a staff member with the Give Approval approval role must give approval.
Note: Vet Radar automatically enables the Force ‘Finish setup’ setting for medication treatments of a treatment template.