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Diagnostic tasks and ezyVet's notifications feature

Some ezyVet sites have access to ezyVet's new notifications pilot feature. The notifications pilot feature could cause a change to the methods that you use to show diagnostic results.

If your ezyVet site has the notifications feature, you do not receive memos for diagnostic results. Diagnostic result information shows as notifications.
Tip: To show notifications, select the notification button in the quick links area:
The notification button
Before the notifications feature was available, some customers used diagnostic result memos as a method to:
  • Do a check of diagnostic results that are not completed
  • Hide completed diagnostic results
  • Show information about a diagnostic result that they opened but did not complete

If your ezyVet site has the notifications feature, it is not possible to use memos to show and hide diagnostic results. This table gives information about each task that you cannot use memos to do and an alternative method: