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Add an interested contact to a clinical record

A person who is the interested contact of a clinical record can receive automatic reminders about the patient. The automatic reminders are information that usually only the patient owner receives. And when you send a message from the clinical record, you can select the address and phone number of the different person.

To add an interested contact, do this procedure.
  1. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
    The left sidebar shows clinical records of your ezyVet site.
  2. Find and select the applicable clinical record.
  3. In the Interested Contacts section of the clinical record sidebar, select the pencil button.
    The pencil that shows in the Interested Contacts section
    ezyVet shows the Edit Interested Contacts dialog box.
  4. In the Other Interested Contacts box, select the contact record of the applicable person.
    The Other Interested Contacts box
  5. Select Save.
    The Save button
The clinical record has a relation to a person who is not the patient owner:
A contact record that shows in the Interested Contacts section of the clinical record sidebar
Trouble: If the clinical record sidebar does not show the person, refresh the record tab.