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Add a new species to an ezyVet site

A practice manager can add a new species to an ezyVet site. Staff can select the species when they make or change a patient record.

To add a new species, do this procedure.
Note: This procedure gives only the minimum information necessary to add a new species.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Patients.
    The Patients setting in the settings list
  3. Select Species.
    The Species setting
    ezyVet shows a New Species screen.
  4. Enter the species name in the Species Name box.
    The Species Name box
  5. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet has the species. ezyVet shows the species in the Species box of a patient record:
The Species box of a patient record
Tip: ezyVet also automatically makes a record tag that has the species name:
A record tag

You can use the tag to help you find records that have the species.