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About this documentation

ezyVet documentation has standard formatting and terminology that helps you to quickly and easily use the software.

Formatting used in this documentation

This table gives each formatting type used in this documentation and the information it identifies:
Formatting typeInformationExamples
Bold textBold text identifies:
  • The names of user interface controls shown in ezyVet (for example, buttons, boxes, tabs, and pop-up windows)
  • The names of sections in ezyVet screens
Tip: The bold text always uses the same case as the user interface control. For example, if a button shows SAVE, the documentation also shows SAVE. And if a button shows Save, the documentation also shows Save. As a result, it is easy to find controls in ezyVet that the documentation refers to.
ezyVet shows the New Appointment tab.

Select Clinical.

Go to the Properties section of the screen.

Red text Red text identifies a link that you can select.Do the procedure given in Set the first day of the week.
Italic textItalic text identifies a glossary term.
Tip: If the text is red and italic, you can select the glossary term to read more information.
Each record tab has a dedicated link.
Monospaced text Monospaced text identifies:
  • Information that you enter (for example, with a keyboard)
  • Message output that ezyVet shows (for example, error messages or confirmation messages)
  • Code or special text that has almost the same function as code (for example, source text of a picklist or a template variable)
To continue the installation, enter Yes.

Do this troubleshooting if ezyVet shows Resource doesn't have access to this appointment type.

Audience terms used in this documentation

This table gives each audience term used in this documentation and who the term identifies.
TermRefers to
CustomerA person who uses ezyVet.
ClientA client of an organization that uses ezyVet. (For example, a patient owner who goes to a veterinary practice that uses ezyVet.)
Staff, staff memberPersons who do work at an organization that uses ezyVet.
Practice managerThe primary person of an organization that uses ezyVet who:
  • Makes decisions about how to use the software (for example, which ezyVet features staff members can use)
  • Uses ezyVet's system settings to configure ezyVet