ThisvideoshowshowyoucanuseezyVet to godirectly to the patientsheet in VetRadar.
Vet Radar
Send a PayJunction remote payment link againIf necessary, you can send a remote payment link to a
client again. For example, if a client tells you that they did not receive the initial
remote payment link, you can send a new one.
If necessary,youcansend a remotepaymentlink to a clientagain.
Get a list of inactive clientsAn inactive client is a client that your organization did not recently
invoice. A list of inactive clients can help your organization keep accurate data for
reporting and messaging (for example, end-of-year emails).
A list of inactiveclientscanhelpyourorganizationkeepaccuratedata for reporting and messaging(forexample...
The eBookings dashboard tabThe eBookings dashboard tab gives easy access to appointments that clients use the ezyVet e-booking system to make. And it gives access to customer orders that clients make with the online portal.
The eBookingsdashboardtabgiveseasyaccess to appointments that clientsuse the ezyVete-bookingsystem to make...
To findproducts that are not recentlyinvoiced,dothisprocedure.
Show a list of calendar appointmentsUse the Agenda report to show a list of calendar
appointments of a staff member. You can print the list and keep it or give it to other
staff. The list includes the dates, start times, and end times of appointments.
Use the Agendareport to show a list of calendarappointments of a staffmember.
To useVetLabStation to do a diagnostictest,youmustsend a diagnostictestrequest.
IDEXX VetLab Station
About changes to many treatment tasksYou can change many treatment tasks in one sheet group at the same time. For example, if a patient has six monitoring tasks, you can change the status of all of the treatment tasks at the same time. This makes it easier for other staff to see patients treatment information.
Youcanchangemanytreatmenttasks in onesheetgroup at the sametime.
Beforeyoumake a ticket, it is important to know the information that youmustgive.
Vello text messagingVello includes a full text messaging system that you can can use to quickly and easily send text messages to clients. Text messages that clients send to your practice show directly in Vello.
Velloincludes a fulltextmessagingsystem that youcancanuse to quickly and easilysendtextmessages...