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Costs of ezyVet Data Lake

ezyVet Data Lake has a set of costs. The costs include initial configuration, user accounts, and maintenance.

This table gives information about each cost:
Cost typeInformation
Initial configurationThe initial configuration cost is for the initial configuration of ezyVet Data Lake that IDEXX does for your organization (for example, connection and sync of sites to ezyVet Data Lake and database configuration).

The initial configuration cost is one time only. It is not an optional cost.

User account feeThe user account fee is for each licensed user account of each ezyVet site that is connected to ezyVet Data Lake.

IDEXX invoices you each month for the user account fee. The fee is not optional.

Note: You cannot remove the user account fee from only some of the licensed user accounts of an ezyVet site that is connected to ezyVet Data Lake. All licensed user accounts of a connected site each have a user account fee.
Maintenance and support feeThe maintenance and support fee is for IDEXX to do maintenance of ezyVet Data Lake for you. The maintenance and support fee includes the cost of customer support for ezyVet Data Lake. For example, IDEXX can help you to make SQL queries.

IDEXX invoices you each month for the maintenance and support fee. It is not an optional cost.

AWS feeAWS fee is for the AWS services that you use with ezyVet Data Lake.

If you change the AWS services that you use with ezyVet Data Lake, the AWS fee also changes.

For more information, speak to ezyVet Limited Sales (www.ezyvet.com/sales).