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Configure the VetEnvoy insurance integration

Before your organization can use VetEnvoy insurance with ezyVet, a practice manager must configure the integration.

  • Make sure that you have a VetEnvoy account and that you completed the VetEnvoy sign-up procedure
  • Make sure that your site has a dedicated supplier contact record for the integration
  • Make sure that your site has a dedicated supplier contact record for each VetEnvoy insurance company that you want to use
    Note: For more information about the available VetEnvoy insurance companies, refer to www.vetenvoy.com/our-partners.
  • Make sure that you have the necessary username and password for the integration
    Note: If you do not have the username and password, speak to IDEXX customer support.
  • Make sure that your site has an enabled E-Claims (full client payment) module
    Note: To enable the E-Claims (full client payment) module, speak to IDEXX customer support.
To configure the integration, do this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Integration.
    The Integration setting in the settings list
    ezyVet shows a New Integration Setting screen.
  3. In the Integration box, select VetEnvoy Insurance.
    The Integration box
  4. If your site uses a department configuration, select the applicable department in the For Division box.
    Note: If your site does not use a department configuration, ezyVet does not show the For Division box.
  5. In the Supplier box, select the applicable supplier contact record.
    The Supplier box
  6. Use the Username box and Password box to enter the username and password.
    The Username box and Password box
  7. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows boxes for each VetEnvoy insurance partner that is available:
    Boxes for available VetEnvoy insurance partners
  8. In each box of the insurance partner that you want to use, select the dedicated supplier contact record.
  9. Use the Vets checkbox and Claim Handler checkbox to select who receives memos for changes to the applicable e-claims.
    the Vets checkbox and Claim Handler checkbox
  10. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet has a configured integration for VetEnvoy insurance.