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About the VetEnvoy integration

The VetEnvoy integration gives access to many different insurance companies directly with ezyVet. You can use the VetEnvoy integration to send e-claims to insurance companies directly. And insurance companies use VetEnvoy to send e-claim information directly to ezyVet.

For more information about VetEnvoy, refer to www.vetenvoy.com.

For more information about the insurance companies that you can use with VetEnvoy, refer to www.vetenvoy.com/our-partners.
Note: The VetEnvoy integration for insurance is available in the United Kingdom only.

VetEnvoy and e-claims

If you disable a VetEnvoy e-claim that you sent and the e-claim is not declined or settled, you cannot enable the e-claim again. You cannot enable the e-claim because after you disable it, VetEnvoy tells the insurance company to stop inspection of the e-claim.

If you disable an e-claim that you did not send, you can enable the claim again.

An e-claim that you send to VetEnvoy automatically includes the clinical history of the applicable patient.