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Configure the IDEXX VetLab Station integration

Before staff can use a VetLab Station with ezyVet, a practice manager must configure the necessary integration.

  • Make sure that your site has a dedicated supplier contact record for the integration
  • Make sure that you know the serial number of your VetLab Station
  • Make sure that you have a VetConnect PLUS account
  • Make sure that you know the administrator username and password of your VetConnect PLUS account
  • If your ezyVet site has a department configuration, make sure that you know the LIMS identifier information of your VetConnect PLUS account
To configure the VetLab Station integration, do this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Integration.
    The Integration setting in the settings list
    ezyVet shows a New Integration Setting screen.
  3. In the Integration box, select IDEXX VetConnect Plus - IVLS.
  4. If your site has a department configuration, use the For Division box to select the applicable department.
    Note: If your site does not use a department configuration, ezyVet does not show the For Division box.
  5. In the Supplier box, select the applicable supplier contact record.
  6. In the VetConnect PLUS username box, enter the administrator username of your VetConnect PLUS account.
  7. In the VetConnect PLUS password box, enter the administrator password of your VetConnect PLUS account.
  8. In the VetLab Station serial number(s) box, select the serial number of each VetLab Station.
    Note: You can add a maximum of five serial numbers.
  9. In the IDEXX LIMS account number box, enter the LIMS identifier information.
    Note: The LIMS identifier information is only necessary if your site uses a department configuration.
  10. Select Save.
    The Save button
  11. In the Prefix for Codes box, enter text that ezyVet automatically puts before all diagnostic test codes of the diagnostics supplier.
    Tip: The Prefix for Codes text makes it easier to find diagnostic tests of the diagnostics supplier (for example, in search results). Thus, enter text that is applicable to the diagnostics supplier. For example, enter IVLS-
    Note: Only enter text in the Prefix for Codes box that you did you not enter in the Prefix for Codes box of a different diagnostics integration.
  12. In the Auto-update settings section, select the applicable settings that control how the integration does automatic changes.
    The settings of the Auto-update settings section
    Note: Make sure that you set Update product cost for supplied diagnostics to NO.
  13. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

  15. Select CONNECT.
    The CONNECT button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message
  16. Refresh the record tab.
  17. Select Update Diagnostic List.
    The Update Diagnostic List button
    ezyVet shows an Update Diagnostic List dialog box.
  18. Read the text of the dialog box and if necessary do the configuration that the text gives.
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message.
  20. If applicable, select COPY MAPPING.
    The COPY MAPPING button
    Note: The COPY MAPPING button is applicable only if your site has a IDEXX Reference Laboratories integration that uses VetConnect PLUS. When you select COPY MAPPING, ezyVet makes a copy of the species and breed mapping from the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS - Reference integration to this integration.
ezyVet has a configured IDEXX VetLab Station integration.
  1. Enable the supplied diagnostic tests of the VetLab Station
  2. Do species and breed mapping for the integration