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General steps to configure and use RocketPACS

It is important to know the general steps to configure and use RocketPACS with ezyVet.

This table gives each general step and the related documentation:
1A practice manager makes one dedicated supplier contact record for each modality that is necessary to use with RocketPACSMake a supplier contact record for a diagnostics integration
2A practice manager configures the RocketPACS integration. And if they want to use more than one modality, they configuration the integration again for each modality.Settings of the RocketPACS integration

RocketPACS and more than one modality

Configure the RocketPACS integration

3A practice manager:
  1. Makes a diagnostic product that has the cost of an applicable type of diagnostic imaging
  2. Makes a site diagnostic test for the diagnostic imaging and configures it to use the diagnostic product as a billing trigger
Diagnostic products

RocketPACS and diagnostic imaging requests

4If a practice manager wants to use RocketPACS for diagnostic interpretations, they:
  1. Make a diagnostic interpretation record in ezyVet
  2. Make a relation between the diagnostic interpretation record and the applicable site diagnostic test
If it is necessary to invoice clients for RocketPACS diagnostic interpretations, the practice manager:
  1. Makes a diagnostic product that has the cost of the diagnostic interpretation
  2. Configures the diagnostic interpretation record to use the diagnostic product as a billing trigger
Make a diagnostic interpretation record to use for diagnostic interpretation requests

Make a relation between and a diagnostic interpretation record and a site diagnostic test

5To help decrease the manual work necessary for staff to enter information in diagnostic interpretation requests, a practice manager:
  • Can configure diagnostic interpretation requests to use a clinical template
  • Can make shorthand text for staff to use with diagnostic interpretation requests
Configure a diagnostic interpretation request to automatically use a clinical template

Make a shorthand text item to use with diagnostic interpretation requests

6Staff send diagnostic imaging requests to RocketPACS. And if applicable, they send diagnostic interpretation requests to RocketPACS.Send a diagnostic imaging request to RocketPACS
7Staff open diagnostic results from RocketPACS.Open a diagnostic imaging result from RocketPACS