ezyVet shows a website is invalid error when you receive a PayJunction paymentDo this troubleshooting if ezyVet shows Response from PayJunction: Billing Website is invalid. when you try to receive a payment with PayJunction:The client's contact record has an incorrect website addressMake sure that the website address is correctSelect Contacts.ezyVet shows the contact records of your site.In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable client contact record.ezyVet shows settings and information of the contact record.Select Details.In the Website box of the General Information section, make sure that the address is correct.The image that follows shows an address that has missing characters. Thus, the address is not correct.Select Save.ezyVet shows a confirmation message:Try to receive the payment again.Parent topic: PayJunction troubleshootingRelated informationezyVet shows a field is invalid error when you receive a PayJunction payment