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PDF document downloads of clinical histories

ezyVet syncs the full clinical history of a patient to ezyVet Go. If you want to show all of the information of each clinical record, you can download the clinical history as a PDF document.

To download the clinical history, use the Download PDF summary dialog box. The dialog box has settings that you can use to select the information that the clinical history includes.

Figure 1. The Download PDF Summary dialog box

The Download PDF Summary pop-up window

Different methods to show clinical history information

ezyVet Go has different methods that you can use to change how the clinical history shows information. The table that follows shows:
  • Each method
  • The setting for each method
  • The result of each method
Method ezyVet Go setting Result
Appointments Split by Consultations The clinical history divides the clinical information into the different appointments.
Date and time Split by Date The clinical history divides the clinical information into the dates that staff added the information.
Record type Standard Clinical Summary The clinical history divides the clinical information into the different record types (for example, medications and vaccinations).
Note: The clinical history shows all of the related procedures together.

Information that a clinical history can include

ezyVet Go has settings that you can use to tell it which information to include in clinical histories. This table shows each applicable setting and the result:
ezyVet Go setting Result
Diagnostics The clinical history includes a patient’s diagnostic test requests and diagnostic test results.
Imaging and Attachments The clinical history includes file attachments of the patient (for example, images of the patient).
Communications and Telemedicine The clinical history includes communication records.
Note: Each type of information that you tell ezyVet Go to include in a clinical history increases the time necessary to download the clinical history.
Note: A clinical history that you download as a PDF document does not automatically include all clinical history information. For example, a clinical history does not automatically include:
  • Diagnostic test requests
  • Diagnostic test results
  • Images
  • File attachments
  • Client communication records
  • Veterinarian communication records
  • Virtual appointment records