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Show a preview of a postcard

Use a postcard preview to do a check of a postcard before you send it. The postcard preview helps you make sure that the postcard content and formatting is correct.

  • Make sure that your site has a configured postcard integration
  • Make sure that your site has a configured postcard template
To show a preview, do this procedure.
  1. Select Patients.
    The Patients tab
  2. In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable patient record.
    ezyVet shows patient record settings and information.
  3. Select Communication.
    The Communication tab
  4. In the Communication Methods section, select the Postcard button.
    The Postcard button
  5. Adjacent to Communication, select the plus button.
    The plus button that is adjacent to Communication
    ezyVet shows the New Communication dialog box.
  6. In the Postcard Template box, select the applicable postcard template.
    The Postcard Template box
  7. In the Delivery Address box, select the address that ezyVet will send the postcard to.
    The Delivery Address box
  8. Select Preview Postcard.
    The Preview Postcard button
    ezyVet shows an information message:
    An information message
ezyVet shows a preview of the postcard.