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General steps to use an IDEXX VetLab Station for diagnostic tests

It is important to know the general steps to use a IDEXX VetLab Station for diagnostic tests with ezyVet.

This table gives each general step and the related documentation:
1A practice manager makes sure that the organization has an IDEXX VetConnect PLUS account.About IDEXX VetConnect PLUS accounts
2A practice manager enables the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS account in the applicable VetLab Station.Enable a VetConnect PLUS account in an IDEXX VetLab Station
3A practice manager makes a dedicated supplier contact record for the IDEXX VetLab Station integration.Make a supplier contact record for a diagnostics integration
4A practice manager configures the IDEXX VetLab Station integration.Settings of the IDEXX VetLab Station integration that control automatic changes

Find the serial number of an IDEXX VetLab Station

Configure the IDEXX VetLab Station integration

5A practice manager enables the supplied diagnostic tests of IDEXX VetLab Station.Enable many supplied diagnostic tests at the same time
6A practice manager does species and breed mapping for the IDEXX VetLab Station integration.About species and breed mapping of diagnostics integrations

Do diagnostics species mapping for many species

Do diagnostics breed mapping for many breeds
7Staff send diagnostic test requests to the IDEXX VetLab Station.Send a diagnostic request to an IDEXX VetLab Station