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Show a diagnostic result of IDEXX Reference Laboratories

An applicable clinical record shows diagnostic results of IDEXX Reference Laboratories directly.

To show a diagnostic result, do this procedure.
  1. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
  2. In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable clinical record.
    ezyVet shows settings and information of the clinical record.
  3. Select Diagnostics and Treatments.
    The Diagnostics and Treatments button
    Trouble: If ezyVet does not show the Diagnostics and Treatments button, select View By Group:
    The View By Group button
  4. Go to the Diagnostic Result section and find the applicable diagnostic test result.
    ezyVet shows the diagnostic test result data:
    The diagnostic test result data
    Note: To get access to more data and other commands for the diagnostic test result, continue to the next step.
  5. Select the VetConnect PLUS button that is adjacent to the applicable diagnostic result.
    The VetConnect PLUS button
    ezyVet shows a Diagnostic Result in VetConnect PLUS dialog box.
The Diagnostic Result in VetConnect PLUS dialog box has other commands and features that you can use to examine the diagnostic test result. For example, you can show a trend chart.
Figure 1. The Diagnostic Result in VetConnect PLUS dialog box

The Diagnostic Result in VetConnect PLUS dialog box