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Screens of the End Of Day Wizard

The End Of Day Wizard has a set of screens that you use to do end-of-day reporting tasks in a sequence. To do end-of-day reporting correctly, it is important to know about the function of each screen.

The screen names and their sequence are:
  1. Date Selection
  2. Pending Invoices
  3. Unapplied Payments
  4. Unapplied Credit Notes
  5. Reconcilation
The End Of Day Wizard always shows a set of buttons that make it easy to identify:
  • Which screen is open
  • Where the screen is in the sequence that you should use them
Figure 1. Buttons of the End Of Day Wizard

Buttons of the End Of Day Wizard

1. Date Selection screen

If you want to use the End Of Day Wizard at the end of the day, enable the Day setting.

If your ezyVet site uses a department configuration, the For Department box to select the applicable department for the report.

2. Pending Invoices screen

The Pending Invoices screen shows invoices that are not approved for the day. For most of the invoices that the End Of Day Wizard shows, you use the Action button to approve the invoices.

If you want to do a check of an invoice before you approved it, double-click the invoice entry. As a result, ezyVet opens the invoice in a new record tab. Then, you could:

3. Unapplied Payments screen

The Unapplied Payments screen shows payments records:
  • That do not have a relation to an approved invoice
  • Client deposits

To do a check of an a payment record, double-click the record entry. As a result, ezyVet opens the payment record in a new record tab. The Record Allocation section of the payment record shows approves invoices that are available for you to enter a quantity of the payment. To enter a quantity, use the Allocation box.

If a payment is for a deposit, it is usually not necessary to enter Allocation quantities.

4. Unapplied Credit Notes screen

The Unapplied Credit Notes screen shows:
  • Refunds that are not completed
  • New credit notes that staff added

To do a check of a credit note, double-click the credit note entry. As a result, ezyVet opens the credit note in a new record tab.

If you are sure that a client received a refund that is equal to the value of the credit note, you can make a payment from the credit note directly. As a result, applicable client contact record shows the correct balance values.

5. Reconciliation screen

Use the Reconciliation screen to do payment reconciliation.

The Reconciliation section of the screen initially shows a set of boxes for each payment method that your ezyVet site has:
A set of boxes for each payment method that your ezyVet site has

In each box, enter the values of payments that you and your staff received from clients. For example, do a manual count of cash payment received for the day, then enter the applicable value in the Cash box.

When each box has a value, select Finalise.

After you select Finalize, a box in the Reconciliation section could show a red color. If a box shows red, the entered value for a payment method is different to what ezyVet recorded for the payment method. For example, the Cash box could show red after you enter a value and select Finalize. It shows red because ezyVet has a different value recorded for the cash payment method that staff selected when they received cash payments from clients. The value that ezyVet recorded shows in a grey box that is adjacent to the applicable red box.

Reconciliation example 1 shows a Cash box that is a red color. The value in the red box is the result of a manual count of cash payments. Adjacent to the red box is a grey box that shows the value of cash payments that ezyVet automatically recorded. ezyVet automatically recorded the value when staff selected the cash payment method when they received client cash payments. The red box shows value of 1512.42. The grey box shows a value of 1612.42. Thus, there is a difference of $100 between the manual count of cash payments and ezyVet's record for cash payments.

Figure 2. Reconciliation example 1

A Cash box that is a red color

If a box shows a red color, do a check of your manual counts for payments received for the applicable payment method. For example, do one more count of cash payments received. If the total that you have is different to what you initially entered in the Cash box, enter the different value.

You could know the the cause of the difference between a manually entered value for a payment method and what ezyVet automatically recorded. If you know the cause, it is important to enter it in the Additional Notes box.

After you select Finalise, the Reconciliation screen shows a Payment Summary section. The Payment Summary section shows:
  • Filters that you can use to show each payment method
  • Payments received during the day for the payment methods that you use the filters to select
Figure 3. Payment Summary section: Filters and payment records

Payment Summary section: Filters and payment records

For example, if you select a Cash payment method, the Payment Summary section shows payments cash payments that ezyVet automatically recorded.

The primary function of the Payment Summary section is to:
  • Compare the values that you manually entered for a payment method with what ezyVet recorded
  • Open payment records and make corrections if necessary

Reconciliation example 2 shows a selected payment method of Trupanion in the Payment Summary section. ezyVet recorded a total value of 10.00 for the day for Trupanion payments. In the Reconcilation section, the Trupanion box shows a manually entered value of 0.00 for Trupanion payments. Because there is difference between what ezyVet recorded and the manually entered value, the Trupanion box shows a red color. As a next step, you could try to find the source of the difference and make the necessary adjustments.

Figure 4. Reconciliation example 2

A selected payment method of Trupanion in the Payment Summary section
The last step of the End Of Day Wizard occurs after you select Finalize in the Reconcilations screen. After you select Finalize, the End Of Day Wizard shows an End of Day Summary dialog box. The box shows:
  • The opening balance
  • The values of invoices, credits, and payments for the day
  • The closing balance
  • Buttons that you can use to print the end-of-day report or email it
  • A Done button that closes the End Of Day Wizard

After you select Done, ezyVet puts a copy of the End Of Day Wizard output in the History Log tab of the End Of Day Wizard screen.