About the Pawlicy Advisor integration
Pawlicy Advisor is a system that you can use to compare recommended insurance plans of different insurance companies in one easy location. Information that you can compare includes insurance plan prices and coverage.
- Decreases the time necessary for you to recommend insurance to clients
- Helps clients to know which insurance plans are available and the plan prices and coverage
- Helps you to increase the number of insured clients for your organization
- Makes it easy for clients to get better access to insurance
This video shows you features and functions of Pawlicy Advisor:
Pawlicy Advisor and ezyVet
- Help the clients know why insurance is important
- Help increase the number of insured clients that your organization has
- To know which clients are eligible for insurance
- To automatically send insurance information email to applicable clients directly
Pawlicy Advisor automatically sends insurance information email to clients only for applicable appointment types. For example, you can tell Pawlicy Advisor to send insurance email for wellness appointments. Or you can tell Pawlicy Advisor to not send insurance email for boarding appointments.
- To show appointment information that ezyVet synced to Pawlicy Advisor (for example, appointment type, client, and patient)
- To know the appointment types that Pawlicy Advisor uses to send client insurance email
- To know which insurance email Pawlicy Advisor sent to clients or will send to clients
- To manually send insurance information email to clients if you want to
- To override automatic insurance email for specified clients
- To do checks of the text content that Pawlicy Advisor includes in insurance email
More information
For more information about Pawlicy Advisor, refer to www.pawlicy.com.
If you have problems with Pawlicy Advisor, speak with Pawlicy Advisor customer support (vets@pawlicy.com).