Show all products of a product groupIt is important for practice managers to know which products are in a product group.To show the products of a product group, do this procedure.Select Admin.In the settings list, select Products.Select Product Groups.ezyVet shows the configured product groups of your site.Use the left sidebar to find and select the applicable product group.ezyVet shows the settings of the product group.Select Products.The Products section shows the products of the product group:Parent topic: Find and show product informationRelated conceptsProduct record searchReports and methods to find product informationAlternative product names for printed contentRelated tasksShow an alphabetical list of all productsShow a list of all product pricesFind all products of a related service fee productFind products that do not have a service feeFind products that have a tax rate of more than zeroShow a list of clinical procedure pricesFind products of a product supplier