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Remove duplicated patient records

A duplicated patient record is a patient record that has the same name and settings of one other patient record. A practice manager can remove many duplicated patient records at the same time.

Make sure that you have access to a spreadsheet app (for example, LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel).
To remove duplicated patient records, do this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Integration.
    The Integration setting in the settings list
  3. Select Record Import/Export.
    The Record Import/Export setting
    Trouble: If ezyVet does not show the Record Import/Export command, make sure that your user account has the Administration > Product > Importer permission.
  4. Select Patients.
    The Patients tab
  5. Select Get CSV of Active Duplicate Records.
    The Get CSV of Active Duplicate Records button
    ezyVet downloads a CSV file to your device. The CSV file has information about duplicated patient records. The information includes a From Animal ID column and a To Animal ID column that shows the IDs of each duplicated patient record.
  6. Select Merge.
    The Merge tab
  7. Select Get CSV Template.
    The Get CSV Template button
    ezyVet downloads a CSV template file to your device. The CSV template file has information that will tell ezyVet about which records to keep and which records to disable.
  8. Use a spreadsheet app to open the CSV file of step 5 and the CSV template file of step 7.
  9. Use the information of the CSV file of step 5 to enter applicable information in the CSV template file of step 7.
    The table that follows shows each column name of the CSV template file and its function. Use the table to know which information to enter in the CSV template file.
    Column nameFunction
    Record typeEnter Animal
    Record From IDEnter the ID of the duplicated patient record that you want to disable.
    Record To IDEnter the ID of the duplicated patient record that you want to keep.
    Job StatusEnter Queued
    Note: If you enter Queued, ezyVet automatically removes the duplicated patient records at the end of this procedure. As an alternative, you can enter Pending Approval. If you enter Pending Approval, ezyVet does not automatically remove the duplicated patient records. A practice manager must use the Jobs dashboard tab to complete the procedure.
  10. Select Choose File, then select the completed CSV template file of step 9.
    The Choose File button
  11. Select Merge records.
    The Merge records button
If the procedure completes correctly:
  • ezyVet shows confirmation messages
  • ezyVet disables each applicable patient record
  • ezyVet moves all applicable data of each disabled patient record to the other patient record
  • ezyVet shows a record of the changes in the Jobs dashboard tab