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About payment allocations

A payment allocation is a quantity of a payment for the total due quantity of a related invoice.

An approved invoice shows a Payment/Invoice Allocations section. The section shows:
  • Each payment record that has a relation to the invoice
  • The quantity of the payment allocation of each payment record
Figure 1. The Payment/Invoice Allocations section

The Payment/Invoice Allocations section
Note: The Payment/Invoice Allocations section can also show each credit note that has a relation to the invoice.

An invoice can have more than one payment allocation. Each payment allocation is part of the total due quantity of the invoice.

This image shows the New Payment dialog box that ezyVet usually opens immediately after you approve an invoice. The dialog box shows the invoice number of the payment and the quantity of the payment allocation. If your site uses automatic payment allocations, ezyVet automatically sets the quantity of the payment allocation to the same value as the client payment.
The New Payment dialog box and payment allocation information
Note: For more information about automatic payment allocations, refer to Automatic payment allocations.
This image shows an approved invoice. The Payment or Invoice Allocations section shows the payment record and its payment allocation:
The Payment or Invoice Allocations section of an approved invoice
Each payment allocation that is shown in an approved invoice has a button that you can select to open the related payment record:
The payment record button of payment allocation
The related payment record also shows the number of the related invoice:
A payment record that shows the related invoice number